Dear Dr. Colter,

After you performed an exam on me and determined I needed multiple lifestyle changes to progress toward better health, I decided to visit my primary physician. You scared me and I needed reassurance that you were WRONG!

My primary physician reviewed my history and asked me what the problem was? I told him I didn’t think I had one until I went to visit Dr. Colter at his office. My primary physician assured me my blood pressure was under control, my cholesterol numbers looked good, my blood sugar was within reasonable limits, my anxiety issues had lessened and my irritable bowel condition was “doing great.” He agreed with me that I was in “perfect health.” All I needed to do was continue with the prescribed medications for these conditions and I would be fine. He also suggested I cancel my next scheduled appointment with you because it wasn’t necessary.

Apparently, you were WRONG!


Fictional Patient


Dear Fictional Patient,

Getting a second opinion regarding one’s health is commonly a good idea. Apparently your primary doctor and I have different definitions of “PERFECT” health (or even) “GOOD” health.”

I define GOOD health as a state of health where the body is typically capable of FUNCTIONING properly without requiring unnecessary synthetic chemicals to override normal physiology. In some cases I recognize inherent deficiencies may require external pharmaceutical intervention, but your situation is not based on this. You have chosen to avoid my recommendations to implement essential lifestyle choices that would likely assist restoring normal GOOD health and function without requiring potentially harmful pharmaceuticals.

I understand it is easier to swallow a pill than follow an ACTIVE regimen that supports the body’s needs. The pill, however, is not capable of replacing active participation. You may remember we discussed this during your exam.

It is natural to want to point a finger at me and tell me another professional is right because you LIKE their opinions better. This, however, doesn’t make my findings and recommendations wrong. In this case, it means your primary physician isn’t willing or capable of addressing the root CAUSES of your health problems. Rather than providing treatments to RESTORE good health, it appears your doctor chooses treatments designed to keep you in a chronic controlled state of disease


It is certainly your right to remain chronically sick using pharmaceuticals exclusively as your doctor recommends. If you don’t mind living with these health problems that typically worsen over time, it is not my place to convince you otherwise.

I do have one question for you, however. When your health is compromised to the point that prescriptions will no longer compensate for your body’s inability to sustain minimal standards of living, what do you think your primary physician will tell you? Do you think he or she will accept blame and responsibility for guiding you down the exclusive prescription path? Will they think to themselves (out of fear of telling you)

“if you had only done your part in maintaining health (rather than simply swallowing a pill) you wouldn’t be in this “no good option” predicament.”

You may remember I outlined your part in maintaining health during our office visit. You chose instead, to accept your primary physician’s recommendation because you liked the “ease” of their option and the praise of your “GOOD” health. The simplicity in swallowing multiple pills may be blinding you to the fact that your high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, anxiety disorder and gastrointestinal distress will remain an UNRESOLVED PROBLEM requiring LIFETIME renewable drugs that will either (eventually) fail to create normal lab values and/or cause secondary complications requiring even more drugs.

Fortunately, there is good news. Your compromised health can still be treated conservatively at this time using treatment options designed to RESTORE your good health. If this option sounds appealing, please let me know. I value you as a patient, but choose to spend my time and energy with those willing to do their part in achieving the best outcomes.

Yours in good health,

Dr. Colter
